Vigor, VIM, vitality, punch

March 8, 2025

I already know I'm spending the off-season this year reformatting all the photos to be more phone screen friendly. Some of them aren't even computer screen friendly. I'll spend some time making divisions for each ride. The other big project will be wokring on the text based adventure game. I've been following a beginner's guide by Huw Collingbourne. That's also a long process because fixing up this site is the first priority. A small improvement I still want to make is having my own custom art for a background on the main page instead of the public doamin image Among the Ice Floes (which is still a cool piece of art).

February 25, 2025

This is an effort to get off the main social medias. Cryodome is already a community building group that only supports local coffee shops and restaraunts. The more I learn about coding this site, the more I want to integrate other local sites and services into the page. If I want to stay off Instagram (already off Twitter and Tiktok), I have to stay engaged with this site and hopefully be engaging enough that other people will also want to build their own pages and divest from the attention-monopolizing social medias. At the same time, Cryodrome, to me, is more than a winter bike ride. It's the umbrella for all my interests to gather under and share without feeling like I have to market them or brand myself.

"Practicing art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what's inside you, to make your soul grow." Kurt Vonnegut Jr.